News13 April 2022: Filming completed. In post-production.
04 April: Final Pre-Production details in progress. Filming set for 12 April at White Stallion Ranch and on 13 April, Marana, AZ.
16 March 2022: Composer Elena Maro joined the film METEORIC team.
09 March 2022: Scouted White Stallion Ranch in Marana, AZ. The ranch will be the primary location for METEORIC's filming.
27 February 2022: Actress Kincaid Walker confirmed for the role of CARINA.
03 December 2021: Actress Christina July Kim signs on for the role of IZZIE.
30 November 2021: Rights to use a dashcam video of a meteor crashing into the desert has been obtained for the film's opening shot, from Tucson resident, Steven Paris.
27 November 2021: Actor Sam Whitten agrees to play the role of FINN. Sam worked with Philip, the writer/director on two previous short films... the multi-award winning film MIRAGE AT ZABUL PROVINCE and ELEVATOR PITCH.
15 November 2021: Actor Joel Foster agrees to the role of LYMAN. Joel previously acted in the Stellium Films production of ZAP! and was in the film JACK OF ALL LANTERNS, script penned by Philip.